Monday, September 23, 2013

Hike # 25: McCall Parks

No pictures to document this hike... so you have to imagine it!

Have you ever been to Legacy Park in McCall?
What about Brown Park?
How about Paul's Market?
Ok... this is going to be tough to imagine if you have never been to downtown McCall!

Imagine this...I had just come home from the Louie Lake Hike. I thought it would take about 3 hours, total, but by the time we drove to the trail head, hiked to the lake and back, then drove home - it took much longer than expected.

All this to explain why we left my mother-in-law all alone at our cabin. Five or six hours later, we were greeted by an 87 year old woman with cabin fever. She was dressed in her proper hiking loafers (remember this from Hike # 5: Things Don't Always Go As Planned)?

"Are we going for a hike?", she asked with such hopeful enthusiasm, I couldn't disappoint her. After a short rest, and lots of pondering on the appropriate location, I said, "Let's hike Legacy Park!"

"Great!", she replied with her enthusiastic German accent. So, off we went - on what I will count as Hike # 25! You can Google the path - love Google Earth - to get a birds eye view.

It actually turned out to be about a 3 mile hike (walk - it all depends on your perspective)! We started off at the Farmer's Market parking lot. Walked the full perimeter of Legacy Park. Walked up to Brown's Park. Rested at the Marina. Walked to Paul's Market for a bottle of wine. Walked back to Farmer's Market and drove home. We were gone for more than 2 hours - that qualified as a hike to me ... and to my mother-in-law. She was so happy she had great walking shoes! I was happy we "hiked" on sidewalks!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like hiking to a bottle of wine... for me it would be tea.
