Monday, July 8, 2013

The Real Hike #19: Farmer Brown's Pond

I never tire of this sight~ we pass it on the way to our cabin in McCall. This lovely, lonely red barn is welcoming, friendly, and soul-warming. It is what I think rural Idaho is all about. Amazing, isn't it? Located in the mountains, yet tucked into something called "Long Valley" - pastoral range land- perfect for summer grazing and farming. Perfect for Hike #19 (which I thought was #20, until today, when I realized it was only # 19).

So, on July 6th, with great conviction and determination, I began this 5.46 mile hike from the steps of our cabin and headed to the local fishing hole, where father's take take their children, and grandfather's take their grandchildren to learn to fish... Farmer Brown's Pond. (Mom's in this part of Idaho, seem to take the strollers with babies, umbrellas, lunches, and other assorted amenities so that the dad's and kids can fish. God Bless Moms!)

The hike to the pond was full of adventure, worthy of it's own blog entry - for another time. But the end result of getting here was idealic. I love discovering things that I never knew existed before. We have had our cabin in McCall for 10 years and I had never been to this pond - because I don't fish! But because I DO hike - now, I discovered a back yard treasure. But do you want to know the best part? The most unexpected part? The most primal and memorable part? It was the smell... the wonder, delightful, surprising smell of ... clover!

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