Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hike # 28: Five Mile/Orchard Gulch

What a beautiful October day! 71 degrees, blue skies, no wind - just perfect!

Erik ( of Erik's Fly Fishing Blog, and his wife Jessica (a.k.a. Gracey) invited me on a Sunday hike in the Boise Foothills. What made this hike so special was that I married this couple. That's right,  Reverend Roxie married Erik, and Jessica on May 26,2012. Now, they are my hiking buddies!

Here is another thing that is amazing about this hike. After living in Boise since 1994, I never knew this part of the town existed. We drove down State Street to Fort, then turned left onto Reserve. Who knew Reserve even existed?

After all of those trips to downtown St. Luke's Hospital for babies born, emergency room visits, surgical  prayers, and Mert's heart surgery... I never ever noticed that street. But today, we took it - because we were going on a hike!

Reserve Street took us to Shadow Mountain Road, which took us to a dirt road, and then to the trail head called 5-Mile Gulch. The problem was that we didn't actually see that trail head, and  started up an unmarked path, assuming it was the right one... which we did get right - yeah "Fate and Good Fortune" - or Divine Guidance (which I prefer).

So here is the best part... it was beautiful! Fall in the Boise Foothills is beautiful, and wonderful ,and invigorating, and a fantastic place to "step it up a notch". Most of my hikes have been easy; in fact, I sought them out. This was a "moderate" hike. So... I stepped it up in challenge, and in length. Endomondo recorded it at 5.94 - I'm rounding it up to 6. It was for all intensive purposes it was a 6 mile moderate hike - and I was (to put it in 60's vernacular) stoked!

During the hike, we saw so many fun things, and I have lots of commentary on all of them; however, Erik's photos really take me back to the beauty, the challenge, and the fun of the day. So, thanks to Erik (better check out his blog), I have a photo montage of the day. Thanks Erik! Thanks Jessica! It was a great day!

Enjoy the pictures, and imagine the hike.

Still trusting....

Trusting this is the right trail!

The cairn, defined as a mound of stones
built as a landmark  implies that it is...


Forgetting about trust ... I was just enjoying the journey.

Erik and Jessica

Assurance at last... we were on the right trail! 5-Mile Gulch!

We encountered mountain bikers.

Hitch hikers in the form of burrs.

Bear scat... filled with rose hips.

Willow tunnels.

Assorted wildlife including birds of prey, song birds, unidentifiable insects
( Mormon Cricket? Cicada? Mutant Grass Hopper?), and a baby rattle snake!

In the end... we found the trail head and I drove home with a great sense of satisfaction and delight. What a great hike!


  1. Awesome Blog, and I love taking pictures... I knew you would of wanted one with the bear scat, it was my surprise.

  2. What amazed me is that was my one regret... I didn't take a picture of the bear scat. You saved the day! Thanks for that wonderful surprise! So much fun, hiking with you guys!
